Thirsty of knowing that God knows
Judá León was given to permutations
of letters and complex variations
and finally it pronounced the Name that is the Key

Jorge Luis Borges: "The Golem", in The other one, the same one (1964)

The influence of the beautiful engravings of Villalpando and of the solomonism like ideal of perfection will be a constant starting from the XVII century, and it will even be materialized in real constructions as the Portuguese synagogue of Amsterdam (1671-75), the baldachin of San Pedro of Bernini, San Carlo's inscriptions the Corso in Rome and other constructions of the Italian southern Baroque. Similar influences have also been pointed out in the church of San Luis from Seville (1699-1731) of Leonardo Figueroa. They should also stand out other iconographic sources, like the engravings. Among the hebrew talmuds, it had special influence the Amsterdam Haggadah of 1695 by Abraham ben Jacob.

1630: Constantin L'Empéreur
The Dutch orientalist Constantin L'EMPÉREUR (Oppyck, 1570 - Leiden, 1648), theology professor in Harderwick and in Leiden, it bequeathed us an invaluable document: a small work in two booklets published in Oppyck in the one that, besides translating Latin the treaty of the Misnah on the measures of the Temple, he added important comments to the Hebrew text, to reason of three pages for paragraph. After a brief first booklet of hardly 40 pages, the second volume of 194 pages included a drawn reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem with explanations of the same one. Their reconstruction uses a rigorous metric, with the rectangular temple of approximately 344x155 elbows, included in the right part of a square enclosure of 500 side elbows. The doors are drawn knocked down in plant «to the Egyptian». The cruciform atrios of the kitchens measures 40x30 elbows.

Constantin L'Empéreur

1642: Jehuda Leon

The sefardi rabbi Jaacob Jehuda LEON (nicknamed «Temple», 1602-1675) was born in Portugal, of where their family escaped to Holland, because of the Inquisition. Toward 1641 it elaborated an elaborated scale model of the Temple of approximately 1,30x1,20x0,60 meters to a scale of 1:300, what allowed him to publish, being based mainly on the rabbinical texts of Maimónides and Constantin L'Empéreur of Oppyck -whom reproduced the plane-, the «Retrato del Templo de Salomo. En el qual brevemente se descrive la hechura de la fabrica del Templo y de todos los vasos y Instrumentos con que en el se administrava, cuyo modelo tiene el mismo Autor, como cada uno puede ver» and the «Afbeeldinghe vanden Tempel Salomonis...» (Middelburg, 1642). To the Castilian and Dutch editions, they followed versions in French (Amsterdam, 1643), Dutch (Amsterdam, 1644), Hebrew («Sefer Tabnit hêkal», Amsterdam, 1650) and the latin one by Johann Sauberto (Helmstäd, 1665), these two last enlarged. It also published in Amsterdam tried on the Cherubs (1647), the Ark of the Alliance (1652/53) and the Tabernacle (1647). The interest of these reconstructions should be centered in the messianic circles and milenaristas. The Jewish religion preaches that the true Messiah's arrival will take place after the reconstruction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, for that which the study of their measures, decoration and utensils were of capital importance.

Vista general de la maqueta Detalle del Santuario
Pictures of Judá León's scale model (F. Putto, under the direction of the Dr. Adri K. Offenberg, 1985-89) in the Biblio Museum in Amsterdam (pictures courtesy of Wim of Groot)

On the plant of L'Empéreur, he adds a perspective of the group that will be the base of future images, as that of Caramuel. The columns that represent the piazzas of the enclosure are a poor imitation of the architecture of Villalpando, imitation that will have their maximum expression in the buttresses of the mount and in the ornaments and sacred furniture. The back part of the Portuguese Synagogue of Amsterdam was based partially on its reconstruction.

Trasera de la Sinagoga
See of the East wall of the Portuguese Synagogue of Amsterdam (picture courtesy of Wim of Groot)


Jacob Jehuda Leon father, their grandfather and their great-grandfather lived in Portugal, possession of the Spanish Crown since 1584. Their father, Simão of Leão, well-known in Amsterdam like Abraham of León, was born toward 1583 and it was to merchant in Tavarede and Buarcos (to the This of Coimbra). Their mother called herself Felipa of Fonseca. Simão, with its wife, its children and its mother-in-law, escaped from Portugal in 1605, going by Seville and France, and hugged the Jewish religion after settling down in Amsterdam. There, Jacob studied under it guides her of Isaac Uziel, happening to the rabbi Isaac Athias in the synagogue of Cardozo, Hamburgo, toward 1628. In 1635 it returned to Amsterdam like hakham of one of the three Portuguese Jewish communities, of where he went to Middelburg after 1639. There the Misnah studied next to the Christian student Abraham Boreel. During this period, it built the scale model of the Tempers, writing in 1642 to small guide in Spanish. That same year he carried out to version in Dutch, to which they followed the other versions.

NLUit inquisitiearchieven blijkt dat Jacob Jehudah Leon geen Spanjaard maar een Portugees was, evenals zijn vader, grootvader en overgrootvader. De christelijke naam van zijn vader, die ik alleen als Abraham kende, was Simão de Leão, geboren rond 1583, koopman in Tavarede en Buarcos (kustplaatsjes ten westen van Coimbra), gehuwd met Felipa de Fonseca. Deze vluchtte in 1605 via Sevilla en Frankrijk naar Amsterdam, met vrouw, schoonmoeder en kinderen. Jacob was dus in Portugal geboren.

(By Ph. Dr. Adri K. Offenberg, from Universiteitsbibliotheek de Amsterdam, upon a comunication from Ph. Dr. Edgar Samuel, of London, that picked up the information personally of the files of the Inquisition of Torro do Tombo in Lisbon. «Jacob Jehudah Leon en zijn tempelmodel: een joods-crhistelijk project», en De Zeventiende Eeuw, p. 38, jaargang 9-1, Verloren, 1993.)

- A.K. Offenberg, «Jacob Jehuda Leon (1602-1675) and his Model of the Temple», in Jewish-Christian relations in the Seventh Century. Studies and Documents, pp. 95-115, ed. J. Van den Berg y Ernestine G.E. Van der Wall, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-Londres, 1988.
- Juan Antonio Ramírez, «Jacob Juda León y el modelo tridimensional del Templo», en Dios arquitecto, pp. 100-103, Siruela, Madrid, 1992.