
Portada ed. 1798





Primer período (1545-1547)



Decreto sobre la recepción de los libros sagrados, de las tradiciones de los apóstoles y de la Vulgata.

Fijación del canon de las Escrituras. La Vulgata es declarada "texto auténtico" de la Biblia.



Decreto sobre el pecado original (Tu fides nostra).

El pecado de Adán, su trasmisión a la humanidad y su rescate por el bautismo. Contra Lutero (concupiscencia y pecado) y los anabaptistas.



Decreto sobre la justificación (Cum hoc tempore) y la obligación de residencia de los obispos.

El plan de salvación de Dios sobre el hombre. Doctrina de la gracia. Contra Lutero, Calvino (predestinación), Joviniano y Pelagio.



Decreto sobre los sacramentos (Ad consummationen).

Bautismo y confirmación. Contra la sacramentología de Lutero (De captivitae babylonica) y Melanchton.



Traslado a Bolonia.

Segundo período (1551-1552)



Decreto sobre la eucaristía (Sacrosancta).

La eucaristía: hecho, posibilidad, pruebas de la presencia real. La transubstanciación. Culto y uso del sacramento. Contra Calvino, Ecolampadio y Zuinglio.



Doctrina sobre la penitencia y la extremaunción.

Penitencia: necesidad, carácter, partes, contricción, confesión, absolución, satisfacción. Extremaunción: orígenes, efectos, sujeto y ministro. Contra Wiclef y Lutero.



Nueva suspensión del Concilio

Tercer período (1562-1563)



Doctrina sobre la comunión en dos especies y los párvulos.

Derecho de la Iglesia a legislarlo. Contra Juan Huss y sus fieles (Hungría y Bohemia).



Doctrina sobre el sacrificio de la misa.

La misa es verdaderamente el sacrificio de Cristo en la Cruz. Ritos. Empleo de la lengua vulgar. Contra las tesis protestantes de la eucaristía como simple memorial de la cena.



Doctrina sobre el orden sacerdotal

El sacerdocio es un orden y un sacramento. El estado sacerdotal es una agregación a la jerarquía. Contra la negación protestante del estado sacerdotal.



Doctrina sobre el matrimonio

La institución divina del matrimonio como sacramento. Monogamia. Indisolubilidad. Celibato. Contra Lutero, Melanchton, Felipe de Hesse (bígamo).



Decreto sobre el purgatorio (Cum catholica ecclesia), invocación de los santos, veneración de sus reliquias, sobre las sagradas imágenes y las indulgencias. Religiosos y monjas.

Existe el purgatorio. Ayuda a las almas con misas y oraciones. Es lícito y recomendable orar e invocar a los santos. Se les puede dar culto de honor y veneración. Vida religiosa. Derecho de los monasterios. Votos de religión. Contra los iconoclastas.


Bula Benedictus Deus.

Pío IV confirma el conjunto de los textos conciliares.

Catedral de Trent
Catedral de Trento, donde comenzó el Concilio, y Santa Maria Maggiore, donde se realizaron las últimas sesiones (fotos cortesía de Wim de Groot)

Why was Trento chosen for the Council, which, at the time, had fewer than 6.000 inhabitants?
By Wim de Groot

In 1517 the German monk Martin Luther of the Augustinian order nailed his 95 theses on the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg. Luther criticized the indulgences. A Catholic preacher said: 'For each money offering that rings in the alms-box a soul in the Purgatory rises to Paradise.' Luther logically concluded that those who had money could pay to be saved, or that Christ had preached penitence and the indulgence drove man to avoid it by paying. In 1520 Luther burned the papal bull condemning his doctrines in the church square in Wittenburg. This action caused the final separation of the Protestants from Rome.

In 1534 Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon's husband and the father of Mary Tudor, wanted to marry Anne Boleyn. The Pope refused to give his consent and the King, with the Act of Supremacy, made the break between the Church of England and Rome. Furthermore the progress of Calvinism in France was also worrying where it looked as if another break of Rome would occur. Faced with these disputes Pope Paul III decided to call the 19th Council - 1545. What better place than Trento to hold discussions with the Protestants? An Italian speaking town within the German Empire, situated on the easiest route (Brenner Pass and Adige Valley) to cross the Alps and a meeting point between the Latin and German world.

The purpose of the Council was as follows:
1) to define the Catholic dogma.
2) to reform the customs and discipline of the Clergy.
3) to discuss with the Protestants about their return into Church.

The Council developed along three lines:
1) Congregations with the Theologians. These clarified the problems being discussed with the voters (Bishops, Generals of the Orders and representatives of the Monastic Congregations).
2) General Congregations of the voters: discussions of the problems and voting.
3) Solemn Congregations or Sessions: where the final decrees were voted.

The Council had its first sitting (1545-47) that was interrupted at the eight session, because of the threat of a petechial typhus epidemic. After this three sessions took place in Bologna (9,10,11) without any satisfactory results. The Council was resumed in 1551-52, when some Protestant representatives came to Trento, but nothing was achieved and talks with the Protestants failed completely. The Council continued after a ten-year gap (1562) and the attention turned to France, where Calvinism was spreading. During this last stage 213 voters were present (compared with 21 during the first) and so more room was needed and the congregations were held in the church Santa Maria Maggiore. Cardinal Morone's active intervention brought the Council to an end in a few months (4th December 1563).

- Prof. Carlo Covi, "The Chapel of the Crucifix and the Council", en Guide Book of Trento, Giuseppe Pedrotti & C., p. 20-22, sin fecha.

Texto completo del Concilio